Country Diversions (Country Pursuits) Read online

  Country Diversions

  Book one in the ‘Country Pursuits’ series.

  By Thea Harris

  Copyright 2014 Thea Harris

  Amazon Edition

  Author’s Note:

  The following was written as an experiment in trying to emulate traditional turn of the twentieth century erotica but still adhering to current sensibilities and legalities. All characters are over eighteen and all sexual contact, although sometimes coerced, is ultimately consensual. This story contains F/F chastisement and sexual manipulation and M/F sexual chastisement, exploration, anal play and coerced intercourse. If any of the above offends you or you are not of legal majority in your region then please do not proceed with this story as the story matter and narrative are sexually explicit.

  Country Diversions

  Thea Palmer

  The Right Honorable Robert Edison sipped lazily at his brandy and stared into the roaring study fire, his seat adjacent to his closest friend, the Right Honorable Jeremy Simpson. Both young men had recently finished their last terms at Oxford and were shortly to take up positions in the city as men of business but were, for now, enjoying a last few weeks of youthful freedom at Edison’s father’s country estate.

  They had been down from town but two brief weeks and already a small ennui was beginning to effect both young men as the quiet of the country was pale in excitement against the liveliness of the city life they had both enjoyed their last few years at Oxford. Simpson sighed. “Pleasant as this is, old fellow, I find myself in need of some small distractions soon or I fear when we take up residence in town I shall be too depressed of spirit to properly enjoy the revels that await us.”

  Edison turned his head and eyed his friend lazily before offering a sympathetic twist of his mouth. “Aye, there are certainly less entertainments than I am used to.” His expression took on a vaguely nostalgic cast as he looked back to the fire. “I was hoping to reacquaint myself with my sister-in-law’s maid upon this visit and perhaps introduce her to your attentions but she has become adept at avoiding my notice since my return.” His mouth stretched in a lecherous grin. “I hear she is to be married within the month and is steadfast to her sweetheart’s attentions. A great pity, I had her well used to my ways these last years.”

  “Oh?” Simpson tilted an eyebrow. “Do tell and perhaps between us we might yet think of a way for you to enjoy one last tumble before she is wedded and bedded by her country suitor.”

  “Ah,” Edison took another sip of his brandy and tilted his head back to rest against his chair and closed his eyes to better recall his first encounter with the lovely maid. “They say the first cut is the sweetest, do they not? My fair Alice was the first for me in so many ways.” He took another sip of his brandy and then started his tale. “I was down for the summer of my nineteenth year and my parents were both in town for the last of the season and I was left to the care of my older brother George and his wife Lydia. Both are only a few years older than myself so I was left largely to behave as I liked as they had no interest in raising and disciplining such a headstrong stripling as myself and seeing to their own entertainments as well. However,” Edison opened his eyes and smiled lazily at his friend who returned the look with one of increasing interest. “I was to see that Lydia was very keen on properly disciplining others. I had been returning to the house from a walk in the woods with my hounds and climbed the staircase intending to go to my rooms to order a bath drawn and some food brought from the kitchens when I heard the most unusual sound originating from my sister-in-law-in-law’s quarters. Something made me keep myself unannounced as I slipped silently along the corridor and I arrived at the door to the suite to find it had been left slightly ajar, I am sure by accident considering what was occurring inside.”

  Edison sipped at his brandy once more and then licked his lips slowly. “I made sure I was quite alone and the very carefully eased the door open a little more and turned to angle my head that I might see into the room. At first I could not make sense of what I was seeing and then, to my astonishment, I realized that Lydia sat on her dressing room chair with her newly appointed ladies maid tipped face down across her knee and her skirts tossed over her head, leaving her bare arsed and vulnerable to the slipper my sister-in-law was wielding briskly in her hand. I stared into the room, quite forgetting to keep myself concealed in my astonishment and fortunate that both my Lydia and the maid at the receiving end of the slipper were so focused on their state of affairs that they were quite unaware of my presence, and watched as the slipper danced again and again over the reddening arse.

  The sound that had caught my attention was, of course, the leather bouncing with sharp cracks off the bulging flesh that was helpless to escape it and I found myself entranced at the way it flattened and then sprang back into shape with each firm smack and the way the poor maid’s feet kicked and flailed with each strike. My sister-in-law-in-law had thrown one of her own legs over both the maid’s, the better to hold her still, and she showed no mercy as she rained down punishment on the helpless bottom imprisoned on her knee and, indeed, showed every sign of attention and enjoyment as she made sure the skin was marked a uniformly brilliant scarlet from hips to upper thigh and remained impervious to the muffled sobs and cries of her captive. I stayed silent and watched as stroke after stroke was laid down, my sister-in-law-in-law’s skill and competence at wielding the slipper betraying that it was not her first time in such an enviable position, and the ever reddening arse wriggling and heaving as it fought to escape even one stroke. I lost count of the times the slipper landed, each time with a sharp crack and a brief whitening of the flesh as it flattened and then sprung back to bloom with color and was increasingly aware that the flesh in my breeches was stiffening to full mast as the maid’s heels kicked futilely in the air and she bucked her abused arse wildly on her mistress’ knee. Finally, with a series of blistering, speedy slaps, Lydia brought the punishment to a close and threw the slipper to the floor as she allowed herself to catch her breath. She recovered herself after a few moments and then, again to my astonishment, placed her naked hand on the abused skin raised to her. As though testing the temperature of bath water she pressed down, ignoring the muffled noise from her maid at the pressure, and then slowly drew her palm and fingers down and all around the bulging arse, palpitating the skin and smiling to herself as the glowing bulb squirmed and bucked at her touch. “Well, Alice, I would consider this a job well done.” Lydia’s voice was rich with satisfaction and I watched her lift the leg constraining both her maid’s and slip it under the girl’s body to resettle her fully across her lap. I could not understand why the girl continued to squirm and moan under the skirts still tossed over her head until my sister-in-law smacked her palm off one suffering buttock to make the flesh bounce again and said coolly, “Now open your legs, you know what I must do next.” She smiled again, amused and unmerciful, when the girl’s murmurings intensified and said, “Spread your legs wide, my dear, or I shall tie you down over my chair and beat your scarlet bottom until you faint from the pain of it.”

  Edison turned his head to look at his quite entranced friend. “I cannot describe the feelings that ran through me in watching that scene. The arse that still wriggled and twitched as though still under the attentions of that cruel slipper, my sister-in-law’s patient and implacable command to her maid or the maid herself whimpering and pleading for mercy from her mistress. Lydia allowed the girl to cry and beg for a few moments longer and then used the arm that lay across the girl’s lower back to pull her tight into her waist and began to slap unmercifully at the already scalded arse with her bare hand, making the girl cry in renewed discomfort as her bottom j
iggled and danced under the onslaught. I myself was caught between wishing the girl to continue to resist and thus allow the hand smacking to continue and wishing for her to do as my sister-in-law commanded and spread her thighs so that I might finally get a glimpse of the mysteries between a woman’s legs. In a few short moments, for Lydia was as strong with the slaps of her naked hand as she was with the slipper, the girl began to cry that she would obey and submit and, with a final hard spank on the underside of the girl’s arse, Lydia stopped her assault and waited for her command to be fulfilled. Evidently not daring to delay even a moment the girl began to part her legs, yelping when Lydia smacked her arse again and snapped, “You know how it must be done, Alice, further over and ever more up.” Eyes wide and the flesh in my breeches beginning to throb with excitement I watched as the girl wriggled forward over Lydia’s lap and slipped with her head nearly to the floor as her toes went into points and she spread her legs as wide as they would go to present her bottom beautifully to my sister-in-law-in-law’s eyes and fully reveal what lay between her thighs.”

  Edison took another swallow of brandy, gulping at the liquid as though his throat were as dry as the desert and met his friend’s glittering eyes. “Ah, Jeremy, would that you had seen what I saw that day. Alice’s arse was as bright as the richest red velvet, not one piece of it not evenly colored and blushed to that beguiling hue. My eyes were drawn to the lily white skin of her inner buttocks and thighs, unmarked by my sister-in-law’s hand and the hairless chink that was split wide between her thighs, the rose pink of her charms and her bottom hole revealed in all their glory. My sister-in-law looked down for a long moment, still ignoring the muffled snuffles of her maid and then raised her hand to trail one delicate finger from the top of the girl’s arse, down the split of her buttocks and then on to the vulnerable skin of her core. A high pitched whimper sounded from the maid and, almost absently, Lydia raised the questing hand to slap again at the girl’s arse before returning it between her thighs and delving into the wet folds I could see there.

  “Alice, I am dismayed with what I find.” Lydia drew her fingers slowly up through the girl’s folds and back to her rear entrance and even from the distance I observed at I could see the wetness that was left in the fingers’ wake. Lydia dipped her fingers into the girl’s core again and then, without warning, slipped one entirely up her back passage making the girl buck and squeal in protest. The maid instinctively tried to close her thighs and my sister-in-law said sharply, “Alice, you shall remain as you are or I have a switch cut immediately and take it to your hide.” Instantly the girl’s thighs spread even more and she thrust her bottom up at Lydia’s hand, moaning when it forced the finger deeper but keeping her arse open and as high as she could for Lydia’s pleasure. “Good girl.” My sister-in-law allowed her maid to buck her arse to her hand again and again and then withdrew the finger to the accompaniment of a whimper of relief from the girl. “Now, I have punished you harshly today for your offence was a grievous one. Although by rights I should punish you anew for the evidence of wanton enjoyment I find between your thighs at my treatment of your naked flesh I find that I do not wish it.” She ignored the groan of relief from the maid as easily as she had previously ignored her pleas for mercy. “Indeed, I find myself pleased by the fortitude you have shown as I have blistered your little backside and wish to ease your pain before I dismiss you for the evening. I am also well pleased that your maidenhead remains intact for I see how that young scoundrel of a stable boy flashes his eyes at you when you pass. I shall reward you. Would you like that, Alice? Would you like your mistress to soothe you before you go to nurse your poor, beaten bottom for the night?”

  His eyes glittering in remembrance, Edison shifted in his chair to try and relive the throbbing in his breeches that echoed the one he had experienced years before. “I heard the maid make a muffled sound which I believe my sister-in-law took for compliance and could not help but to shove my hand in my breeches to grip my cock as Lydia began to stroke delicately against Alice’s inner folds, fingers dancing over the spread flesh and dipping in and out with decisive movements into her channel. I watched my sister-in-law put one and then two fingers inside the girl, thrusting with slow steady movements and began to stroke myself in time with her hand, biting on my other hand to muffle my pants and gasps for air. The maid began to shift restlessly again, her thighs and calves stiffening and relaxing as she sought to keep her position steady and then cries once more filled the air but this time for a different kind of mercy. My sister-in-law-in-law began to stroke the maid’s arse with her other hand, giving the barest of love taps as the bottom began to buck and wriggle in earnest and then she took her fingers out of the maid and placed her whole hand over the girl’s folds and began to rub briskly at the top most part of the spilt, pressing with her palm against the girl’s hole. The maid began to keen helplessly, her entire lower body seeming out of her control as she writhed and pressed against her mistress’ tormenting hand and, just as I reached the moment of crisis myself, she screamed out and began to buck and dance on her toes as she shook her bottom and pressed herself wildly back into Lydia’s touch.”

  “My God,” Simpson’s voice was hoarse with lust. “I would give all I have in this world at this moment for a chance to witness that scene.”

  Edison smiled lazily, his own voice hoarse with emotion. “I find it almost unequalled even with the experience and amorous history I now own.” He stared into the fire. “The sight of that blistered arse, bounding and hopping over my sister-in-law-in-law’s knee, the glimpses of that almost hairless little mouth as Lydia stroked and invaded it and, almost best of all, Alice’s sweet voice raised in forced completion at the fingers of her tormentor. I had spent myself over the inside of my breeches and had retained enough of my senses to know that I needed to depart now that the punishment was concluded for surely discovery was only seconds away when Alice was permitted to rise. I cast one more look into the room and saw Lydia looking with satisfaction at the completely collapsed figure strewn across her lap and hastened to my room to strip and cleanse myself of soiled clothing.”

  Simpson licked at his dry lips. “When did you find the opportunity to get the maid alone? I cannot imagine you allowed much time to pass?”

  Edison laughed. “Indeed, no. Alice was to have no more than a few hours respite from my sister-in-law’s attentions before she received mine. Lydia and her husband departed two hours later for a dinner gathering at a neighbor’s estate leaving me behind with no one but a few servants and the delightful Alice for company. Alice’s room was on the same floor as my sister-in-law’s in case Lydia had need of her through the night and the other servants were gathered in the kitchen some two floors below us and on the other side of the house. As soon as I was sure Lydia and her husband were safely away and the rest of the household settled for the hours until they returned I hastened to Alice’s room and slipped inside.”

  Edison rose and crossed to the bureau where the brandy decanter sat to take it and refill his glass and then walked to his friend to replenish his drink. He set the decanter down on the occasional table sat between the two chairs and reseated himself, crossing his legs and taking an appreciative sip of his renewed drink. “The room was still lit with late evening sun spilling in through the small window and my eyes immediately went to the figure lying on her side on the narrow bed. Alice was little more than a child then, barely past her eighteenth birthday, and her bum was uncovered and shiny with the salve she had spread over the skin to try and alleviate her discomfort. She wore a nightgown but it was rucked up to her waist as though she could not bear even the light touch of cotton against her skin. She lay facing the wall, denying me a glimpse of her face, but her golden hair spilled over the pillow and down her back, almost skimming the very top of her still glowing bottom. I closed the door as soundlessly as I had opened it and looked my fill for a moment before clearing my throat. The effect on Alice was immediate. With a startled cry she rolled onto her
back and stared at me for a moment before giving another cry of surprise and rolling off the bed onto the floor, frantically dragging her nightdress over her thighs and covering the parts of her I most wished to see. I said not a word as she crouched on the floor, my eyes drawn to the plump little mounds heaving beneath the low neckline of her serviceable gown, and then I slowly raised my eyes to her face and smiled.”

  Edison snorted wryly. “I do not know what she read there but her skin drained of all color and her beautiful blue eyes filled with tears as she shook her head and said pleadingly, “No, please Master Robert, should leave. The mistress will be so angry if she knew you were here.” I remember allowing my eyes to drop to her heaving chest again and, as she took a particularly deep breath, her fate was sealed. The material was so loose that her little bubbins rose almost straight out of them and two pink little nipples winked at me before slipping behind the cloth once more. I smiled at her and began to advance, even as she scrambled backwards and continued to shake her head, and then lunged down and took a good grip on one slender arm to pull her up and throw her down upon the bed. Even though Alice at that time in training to become a ladies maid, she had for years before seen service under the stairs and despite her slender build was strong and surprisingly difficult to overpower.”

  Gesturing down his considerable frame Edison said in amusement, “I am sure you remember at nineteen I was still somewhat scrawny and undersized.” He laughed along with his friend when Simpson chuckled and nodded in agreement and then continued, “A delightful struggle ensued as she fought like a tiger to be free and I to strip and subdue her to begin my games. I ignored her furious shouts as I knew they would be no use as my sister-in-law had ordered the other servants to leave her alone till morning and I knew none would venture above stairs to my rooms unless summoned directly to do so. After several long minutes I finally managed to strip her nightdress from her body and flip her onto her stomach whereupon I straddled her hips and forced her hands behind her back to bind her wrists together with a length of ribbon that was lying on the small table next to the bed. Alice began to curse me as I wound the ribbon around and around her delicate bones and tied off the ends with a knot which, later on, would prove only removable by cutting away with a blade. As soon as I was satisfied she was completely helpless and vulnerable to my wishes I stood and looked down upon her naked body.”