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Country Diversions (Country Pursuits) Page 2

  Simpson reached down and subtly adjusted the fit of his breeches over his stiffened cock. “Do not leave anything out in your description, my friend, I beg you. I wish to know it all.”

  “And indeed you shall.” Edison smiled and said, “She lay face down on the bed, her torso heaving from her recent exertions and her wrists bound tight at the small of her back with blue ribbon so that her little fists just touched the top of her red arse, shiny and slick with the cream she had slathered on it. Her slender thighs were pressed tightly together as she tried to prevent me glimpsing her charms and her hair was in lovely disarray over her face and the pillow. I leant down and swept the blonde strands to one side, allowing me to see her delicate features in profile and smiled when she tried to turn her head to look into my eyes. She licked feverishly at her pink lips and said in a barely wavering voice, “You have no need to tie me. I am bested, sir, I will do whatever you ask of me.” Her blue eyes widened appealing and then went quite limpid with emotion. “I know my place, sir, I’ll not deny you now. You’ll find me as responsive and encouraging as you might wish. If you untie me you’ll find it ever so much more pleasurable for you.” Her eyelids lowered and then rose coquettishly. “My poor bottom is so sore and hot I think I would very well like a distraction from the discomfort.” She wriggled a little on the bed as though to draw my attention to that already most distracting part of her body. “Please sir, just leave me intact for my marriage bed. Let me loose and don’t shame me and I’ll do whatever you want.”

  Edison’s smile widened in fond remembrance. “She looked so lovely lying there, her little bum reddened from my sister-in-law’s attentions even hours after and her body made helpless to whatever I wished to do to her. I bent and kissed her cheek and whispered, “I’m afraid shaming you is going to be a part of what is to happen here, Alice. I have seen my sister-in-law make you dance for her attentions and now I wish to see you dance to mine.” I kissed her again as her eyes widened and said, “Do not worry, if you are as good for me as you were for Lydia I may yet soothe your hurts just as she did if you please me.”

  Lifting a hand, Edison stared at it reflectively before saying, “I straightened and looked down upon her once more and then reached out and for the first time laid my hand on her arse. As I have said, the skin was still flushed from my sister-in-law’s punishment earlier but I was unprepared for the heat of the skin. It seemed to burn beneath my touch and, when I lad the same hand on the middle of her back to compare, it was confirmed that it was significantly hotter in temperature than the rest of her body. Alice tried to wriggle away and, unfortunately for her, as she thrashed about she struck out with her legs and caught me a glancing blow on my thigh. It did not hurt of course, in truth I was barely aware of it, but it served as a reason for what was to follow. Adopting the strict tone of voice I had heard my sister-in-law use I gripped Alice by the arm once more and pulled her to her feet. “You’ll pay for that and pay dearly.” Her breasts were high and tight, full but not overly so, and heaving with nerves and outrage. She tried to turn from me but I forced her to be still and looked down her body to her gently rounded belly and the slit between her thighs. It was not hairless as I had thought when watching her over Lydia’s knee but instead covered with blonde down, matching the hair of her head and so fine that I could see the pale skin underneath with ease. I brought the hand not holding her fast to her chin and tipped her head back until her eyes were forced to meet mine. I smiled grimly at her. “Your arse will dance over my knee like my hand is made of fire.”

  I sat myself on the bed and yanked her over my lap, ignoring her cry of protest and flung my leg over both of hers to still their frantic kicking. The sight when I looked down was even better than I could have imagined. Her already well punished bottom was elevated over my thigh, wriggling and helpless as I positioned her exactly as I wished and her wrists strained futilely against her tight bonds. I placed one arm around her waist to hold her fast against my body and brought my other hand to her arse once more. I savored the feel of the skin beneath my palm, pressing and squeezing the defenseless bottom raised to me and allowed my fingers to roam where they would. Alice clenched her buttocks futilely as I slipped my hand between her cheeks and quested for the enticing little hole my sister-in-law had violated hours before and it was but the work of a moment to find the entrance and press my finger inside.

  Alice’s head rose off the bed in protest and she snapped and groaned as I worked my way inside, marveling anew at the heat and sensation of tight muscles trying to repel the invader, but resistance was futile and I soon had my finger buried inside her to the base. I worked my hand back and forth for a moment and then withdrew, annoyed that I could not see the little hole I was discovering. “Spread your thighs wide as you did for your mistress.” I slapped her arse when she mutinously shook her head and then again, much harder, at her refusal. “I have barely begun, Alice, you would do well to obey if you wish to avoid heavier punishments later on.” She still refused for another moment and then, just as I was preparing to spank her arse until she submitted, her legs began to move and she slowly parted them until they were as wide spread as possible while still remaining in place on my thigh.

  Mindful of my hasty induction in the flagellating arts at my unknowing sister-in-law’s hands earlier, I moved her until she was draped across both my thighs and then brought my hands to her arse and spread her cheeks wide apart and bared her to my gaze. I barely heard her moan of humiliation as I looked down on the little hole revealed to me and pulled on her body so she moved further forward across my lap and I was able to see where her vaginal lips gaped wide apart and the hole there winked open and shut as she fidgeted unhappily. I adjusted my hold, one hand forcing her cheeks to remain open and I used my other hand to once more force a finger inside, my cock rising to fullness beneath her as I despoiled her body and watched the skin around my finger contract and suck at the bony invader.

  Being still but a boy myself and almost overwhelmed with the wonder of having a woman totally subjugated to my will I was lost for a time thrusting and exploring the innermost recesses of her bottom and it was some time before I withdrew my hand and started to explore the mysteries between her thighs. Alice moaned again as my fingers busily began to insinuate themselves into her wet folds and I thoroughly explored all I could find as I held her imprisoned on my lap. The skin was hot and very wet, the slippery feel of her inner chamber easing the passage of my fingers considerably in comparison to her arsehole. I thrust hard into her, delighting in the way she squealed and bucked against me, and then withdrew and fumbled to see what my sister-in-law had touched so skillfully to bring Alice from begging for mercy from pain being inflicted to mercy for some unknown pleasure.

  Alice gasped and mewed in denial when my fingers found, quite by accident, a little hard nubbin of slippery skin and pinched it hard. The bottom on my thighs jerked and danced and, going by instinct, I began to play with the little button I found. I watched in amazement as Alice began bounce her bottom on my lap, heaving out pleading cries for me to stop, to go on, to stop her torment and then, as I stiffened two of my fingers and began to rub in firm circles, screamed helplessly and ground down against my hand as my palm and wrist were flooded with liquid from her channel.

  Simpson groaned low in his throat. “It was then but a moment before you were in her, yes? I imagine you could not last after that.”

  “On the contrary,” Edison laughed and toasted his friend. “I was still fairly innocent myself in the ways of a man and a woman and there was a score to settle with the little miss. My primary goal that night was to spank that beautiful little arse and I wasn’t about to be cheated out of my prize. I continued to rub at her little button until she began to beg me for completion again and only then did I pull my hand away and bring my attention back to her waiting backside. The skin gleamed with the unguent she had applied, I was at that time unaware that the unnatural moisture on her skin would increase her torment tenfold, and I
amused myself palpitating the glowing globes for a time as she writhed and twitched beneath me and then, keeping my voice stern and unsympathetic, said, “And now, sweet Alice, retribution for your strike against my person.”

  I raised my hand and brought it down with a sharp crack right on the fullest part of her bottom. She shrieked as my flesh met hers and kicked wildly and I was transfixed by the flattening of the full buttocks and the white imprint of my hand that glowed for the briefest second before the skin flooded with renewed color. Realizing that she could not hold her position until I satisfied myself I quickly imprisoned her legs between mine again and then went to work. Again and again I struck her bouncing arse, unmindful of her cries as I spanked every inch of her backside and watched the flesh jiggle and jerk under my hand. Uncaring of her discomfort and the outrages I was performing I spanked and spanked until my hand itself was the color of fresh tomatoes and then I continued to mishandle that lovely bottom until Alice was limp from her yells and struggles and my hand stung as surely as her little arse. Respect for my sister-in-law filled me because, truly, that good lady must have a palm as toughened as any farmer in the field to smack Alice’s arse as she had and barely be out of breath at the end of it. My own arm was almost lifeless with my exertions but I found myself still unsatisfied and wished to leave my own definitive mark on Alice’s mistreated bottom.

  Looking around the room I saw on the same table I had found the ribbon that bound my captive’s wrists there lay a wide, wooden backed hairbrush. Leaning to the side I was just able to catch the handle with my fingers and bring it into my hand. It was the work of a moment to stand an unresisting Alice on her unsteady feet and then bring her down once more across my lap and position her little arse again for my gratification. Before I secured her legs once more, I diddled my fingers between her thighs and again stopped just short of soothing her ills. She began to sob most piteously when I took away my fingers from her little button and took up the hairbrush, aware that her arse was once more to take punishment but unknowing that I now held an instrument of execution much more formidable than my naked hand.

  Raising the hairbrush with my fresh arm I brought it down against the underside of her bottom. The shriek of surprise torn from her throat was as music to my ears and I brought the brush down again, barely giving the sound of the last almighty crack time to fade from the room. Her poor little bum shivered and shook under the new assault but, like any boy with a new toy, I was intent on getting the fullest enjoyment I could from my time with her and smacked the hairbrush again and again on her scarlet flesh. Her little feet kicked and waved in the air as she heaved and bucked futilely on my lap but I was remorseless and continued with my paddling of her arse until she was once more limp and defeated over my thighs. Her bottom was by this time glowing as brightly as it had earlier under Lydia’s hand and I fancied I could feel the heat rising from it on my face but in reality was probably honest sweat from my exertions that night. Alice’s thighs were loose when I took my leg off hers and they fell open quite limply and naturally when freed from their imprisonment. I placed the hairbrush beside me on the bed and then, admonishing her to remain still, slipped my hand between her thighs and once more thrust my fingers inside her. The passage was even wetter than before if such a thing were possible and I amused myself seeing how many fingers I could slip up inside her whilst I waited for her to recover her senses and allow me to proceed with my next curious exploration.”

  Simpson laughed. “I take it your cock was fair desperate for relief by that point.”

  “Oh indeed,” Edison replied dryly. “And with the eagerness of youth I wished to shove it exactly where my fingers were and fuck myself into her very belly. The tales we were told at school by the older boys were proving nothing compared to the reality of my time with Alice and I was frantic with desire to batter myself inside that little maid. Eventually she began to come back to herself and I turned until I was able to slip her from my lap and place her unresisting figure face down on the bed with her legs dangling over the side. I stood and unbuttoned my breeches and freed my aching cock, stepping between her spread thighs and pushing them wide apart. It was immediately apparent that the positioning was not the most fortuitous and I reached for her thin pillows, folding and bunching them under her hips until her arse was raised some distance from the bed and the valley between her thighs presented a defenseless target. She tried to raise her head and mewled when she realized that the position left her utterly helpless and then slumped to the mattress, apparently resigned to her fate at last.

  Bending my knees I gripped her arse once more and raised it even higher, bringing her wet hole to the head of my questing cock. I jabbed forward experimentally and snubbed it into the little mouth opening to me, managing to lodge myself a little more than an inch inside. My eyes rolled back in my head at the wet heat that gripped me and I shoved again, my fingers biting into the swollen, punished flesh of her arse and forcing a squeal of protest from her raw throat. I jabbed my cock into her little cunt, forcing apart the tight walls and groaning with each conquered inch until, about a third of the way in, I encountered an obstacle. Almost beyond reason I shoved and pushed with my hips until, with another loud scream from Alice, I punctured what I now know to be her virgin barricade and sunk into her body until my balls were slapping at the wet folds of her body. Almost wild with excitement and lust I began to pound her, dragging her arse up to meet me with fierce slaps against my belly, and shoved my cock as deep into her as I could until I felt my balls pull up against my body and I spilled everything I had into her freshly broken cunt.

  Alice groaned as I ground my hips to her arse, my breeches no doubt scratching painfully at her abused skin, but I did not care. My eyes were fixed to that well punished little bottom and, lower, to where my cock was buried in her cunt and I bucked and shoved until every last drop was wrung from me. It took time to recover before I was able to withdraw and I was momentarily alarmed to see that my cock was discolored with blood when I did so but then remembered hearing tales from the older boys at school that when a maidenhead was breached for the first time bleeding is inevitable. I took my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped at my now limp cock and tucked myself away before turning my attention back to Alice. She lay limp on the bed, her legs still spread wide apart and pink wetness starting to ooze from her cunt. I gently swiped it away with my ruined handkerchief and then eased the pillows from under her hips before rolling her onto her back. Her expression was as one who is utterly dazed and she stared uncomprehending at me as her thighs twitched and her hips rolled unconsciously as though still dancing against mine. I looked over her heaving breasts and then down at her little cunt, swollen and well-used, and dropped to my knees before her.

  Although I was aware that her position could not be comfortable with her hands still bound behind her back and her poor backside pressing against the rough cotton of her blankets, I nonetheless spread her thighs wider and stared with fascination at the wet folds where I had so recently become a man. She groaned low in her throat but made no resistance when I used my thumbs to stretch her lips as wide apart as I could and moved my head closer, seeing for the first time her little button as the hood of flesh uncovered it in response to my firm parting of her folds. Again going with my instinct I opened my mouth and placed my lips over the hard little bud and nipped softly with my teeth. Alice squealed and bounced her hips on the bed, almost immediately groaning with pain when her arse protested, and then she began to gasp wildly when my tongue started to stroke her curiously. The taste of her was exquisite, even with our recent activities and I felt my ardor renewed as she wriggled and pleaded with me to stop, adamant that she could not bear any more torment that night and did not understand what was happening to her. Leaving one hand to keep her lips spread wide I brought the other to the little mouth beneath my own and slipped two fingers once more again inside, renewing my assault when I felt her clamp down helplessly on the intruders despite her soreness. Her legs beg
an to jerk and kick as I continued the torment of my tongue and finger and the air rang with her frenzied cries as I forced a mighty spending from her body and fairly made her quake with release when I rammed my fingers deep inside and lashed at her button with my tongue.”

  “My God,” said Simpson. “I can hardly bear to hear another word. To think such treasures are hidden here.”

  “Oh a treasure my sweet Alice is, indeed.” Edison nodded to his friend. “My sister-in-law’s maid is unmatched in almost every respect. She was almost beyond reason by the time my cock was fully renewed and I stopped torturing her cunt but there was another rut left in me and I wished it to be something that I would remember for the rest of my life. Her reddened arse was a source of visual stimulation for me for our first bout but I wished to see her titties bounce for me as I fucked her again and I still found that there was still some want in me to make her bottom dance for me once more before I left her. I stood, leaving her exhausted on the bed, and retrieved the pillows from the floor to place them at the bed of the bed before stripping off my clothing. I climbed onto the bed and sat back against the pillows before stretching out my legs and dragging Alice up my length to lay face down upon me. I ignored her pleas for rest and respite and positioned her until she straddled my cock and knelt with her knees either side of my hips and then managed to clumsily support her until I had situated my cock and was able to spear it into her swollen cunt. She gave a hoarse cry as I pulled her down until her arse met my thighs and her head lolled in exhaustion onto my shoulder until I groped for the hairbrush and brought it down with a sharp crack on her backside. The effect was immediate and she jerked upright, thrusting her pretty tits into my face and enabling me to snap at her pink nipples with her teeth. She reared back as far as she could, her tits bouncing exquisitely as she strained away from me.