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Country Diversions (Country Pursuits) Page 3

  I got a handful of her hair to hold her in place and then tugged until she was arched back and then flipped the hairbrush so the bristles were foremost and touched them against her cunt, split around my cock. She shrieked and writhed, trying to get away from the new stimulation, but I was relentless and continued to rub the harsh bristles against her tender skin for long moments before I withdrew and pulled her forward so that I might turn the brush and use the back to once more bounce her arse to my liking. The squeeze of her body around my cock was delightful and I was half tempted to spend like that but, at the last moment, remembered that I wished to see as much of her dance for me as I could and pulled her upright by her hair. I showed her the brush again. “I wish to see your tits jump and bounce like little balls as you work your sweet cunt on my cock and, just to make sure you comply adequately, I shall give you a sound smacking on your bottom to encourage you.”

  She stared at me in dismay and then cried out when I flipped the brush and moved the bristles to her vulnerable cunt again. “No, please sir, not that! Anything but that! I’ll do as you say. I’ll be good for you.” She squirmed her little backside and her eyes widened with voluptuous surprise when she felt the hardness of my cock and how deeply it was embedded in her. “Oh sir, I’m so tender from you taking me already. Might I go slowly? I feel like every nerve I possess is on fire and I fear for my reason if I am forced to ride you hard.”

  I laughed at her and nodded benevolently. “Very well, Alice, I shall allow you to proceed. Work your bottom and cunny well for I may yet decide that your cunt needs the punishment your sweet little arse has suffered.” Gasping the little maid began to move, hesitant at first as she was but recently broken and had no real idea of what to do, but soon she began to move in earnest when the first smack of the hairbrush landed on her arse. Slightly awkward though the position was I believe it made up for it in aesthetic enjoyment for I was able to feast my eyes on those pretty little breasts bouncing juicily and her reddened cunt split wide as she worked herself up and down on my cock. I spanked first on her left buttock and then on her right as she cried and twisted, trying to bring me to completion. I threw aside the hairbrush to the floor and brought my hands to her cunt, bidding her not to desist her movements as I split her nether lips and once more unveiled the little button that drove her from her senses.

  Alice’s eyes widened when she felt my thumb land squarely on my target and, mindful of my warning not to stop her motions, continued to bounce on my cock as she pleaded, “Please, Master Robert, not again. I cannot bear it again. I beg you, leave me be.”

  “We both know that is not true, Alice. For every cry and moan from you this evening I have felt your cunt and arse throb and rise to me and I believe you are gaining as much satisfaction as myself from our joining. Try to deny me again, girl, and I shall give you a taste of my belt across your throbbing arse before I leave here tonight. Keep moving that delicious bottom of yours and let us see what heights we can achieve before we finish.” She did not deny my words and I watched as she closed her eyes in surrender and renewed the plunging of her hips as I began to press my thumb in firm circles over her engorged button. The view this time was sublime, her tits bounced mightily with every frantic heave and I could see the muscles in her thighs shivering with exhaustion as she strained to fulfill my command. Her heated bottom smacked against my thighs with every downward thrust and her cunt began to helplessly jerk towards me as my cruel thumb drove her relentlessly towards another overwhelming climax. She began to keen as once more her body overtook her mind and her head fell back as she slammed ever harder onto my cock, fearing and craving the release in equal measure. Her tits bounced and danced above me and I began to groan as I felt my own climax approach. I moved my thumb faster, forcing her on and on and then, with a final scream, her whole body arched and she ground down onto me like one possessed, clutching at my cock with her internal muscles and almost sucking my very essence from me.

  It took me much longer to recover that second time and I came back to myself to find Alice slumped across my chest and her wet cunt still contracting feebly around my spent cock. I eased her off me and to her side and then, eyeing the tightness of the ribbon around her wrists with some alarm, spent some minutes trying to tug the binding loose before finally remembering the little knife I carried in my jacket pocket and cutting her free. I rubbed at her wrists until somewhat normal color was restored and then rolled her onto her stomach to view what I had wrought on her arse. It was as dark in color as to be almost purple, in my excitement and my inexperience I had quite lost my senses in tempering my strength, and the poor surface of her bottom was tight and hot to the touch, so swollen and bruised was it. Alice moaned as I trailed my fingers across the discolored surface and I could not resist the urge to bend and press my lips to her punished little bottom. My tongue licked over the fiery skin and she squirmed weakly as I trailed the contours of her beaten arse and traced the split in the center, marveling anew at the difference in temperature between the well roasted flesh of her swelling orbs and the coolness of the flesh I had not marked. It was quiet in the room except for the wet sounds of my mouth moving over her and Alice’s whimpers as I reinforced my now gentle dominion over her and I delighted in the fact that although her mind was still rebelling at the liberties I had taken her body betrayed her conquered pleasure and acceptance with every flinch and tremble as I stroked her with my lips and tongue.

  I stood from the bed and plumped the pillows into their usual shape and position and then gently moved her until she lay stretched full length, head cushioned comfortably and her arms loose by her side as she lay spent on her belly and legs slightly apart in an exhausted sprawl. Looking about I saw behind the door a wash bowl on a stand and a cloth draped over the side and crossed to see that it was half full of water, ready for her morning ablutions. Without saying a word to Alice I crossed and retrieved the bowl and cloth and then moved back to the bed. Thoroughly wetting and wringing out the cloth I began to stroke at her bottom and inner thighs, smiling at the little whimper from Alice at the coolness against her overheated skin, and then dipped the cloth between her cheeks and pressed firmly at her little hole. “Spread your legs wide, Alice, for I must make sure you are thoroughly cleaned inside and out if you do not wish to be punished by my sister-in-law if she discovers how you spent your evening. She expects her staff to be as fastidious in their cleanliness as she is herself and she would not be pleased to discover your cunny not only well-broken but still filled with my spendings.”

  At the head of the bed Alice gasped and raised her head, twisting to look over her shoulder in alarm, lingering pain and new fear in her eyes. “Please, sir, please don’t tell the mistress. She’ll switch me till I bleed for letting you tumble me. She wishes me to be chaste and pure and she bares me almost every week to see that I haven’t let anyone at me. It will be of no mind to her that I tried not to submit when it is discovered that my maidenhead is gone, she’ll have the skin from my poor backside.”

  I must admit I felt some pity for the girl then as I knew that Lydia when provoked is as formidable and spiteful as the most vindictive witch in any story. Careful not to let my sympathy show on my face, and mentally taking note not to stray too far from the house in case I missed Alice’s punishment when the loss of her virginity was exposed, I said, “Your face to the pillow again and your legs spread wide, girl, or the minute my sister-in-law and my brother return I shall confess what has taken place between us this night and turn you over to them.” I gave her a sharp slap on her wet bottom, delighting in her fearful and pained cry. “I do not think this bruised little arse could take another spanking tonight, do you?” Alice hurriedly shook her head and turned it away, stretching her legs as far apart on the bed as she could and utterly delighting and charming me when she raised her bottom high into the air and shuffled her legs forward until she was kneeling with her face pressed hard into the pillow and the crevice between her buttocks and thighs split wide apart and
allowing me free and unfettered access to her charms. I took my time running the cloth over her skin, dripping cold water into her swollen and bruised folds and over marked skin until the poor little girl was shaking violently with chills and the unwanted reaction of her body to the tender stroking. Not one inch of her secret charms was left untouched and I found myself as aroused as I had been when spanking her as when I was now fondling her body into unwanted realms once more.

  Again and again I dragged that dripping cloth over her arse and cunt, making a hood of the cloth over my finger and pushing it first into one hole and then the other, laughing as she writhed in protest but at the same time could not prevent her body twisting into the sensation of the cloth swiping her inner walls and cleansing her of my sperm and her maiden blood. Finally I stopped, my cock once again full thanks to its youthfulness, and I placed the bowl and cloth on the floor before climbing onto the bed and kneeling behind her. “Well, Alice, you are a clean as the most devout of holy sisters now but I am afraid that yet another barrier to my leaving your quarters has arisen.” The poor girl was by now almost half out of her mind with exhaustion and the stimulation of her nether parts, mumbling pleas and begging into her pillows to be left alone to rest. I tapped her raised bottom meaningfully and informed her, “I do not wish to smack you again but I shall if you do not continue to mind me.” I paused to allow my words to sink in and then started to stroke her little arse as she forced it high into the air again. “I am of a mind to taste you again now that I have sweetened you up and I wish to do so with your sweet little bottom raised and split so that my tongue can luxuriate in both your holes before I decide which one I shall fill with my cock.” I stopped stroking her arse when Alice’s head jerked up and slapped at first one glowing buttock then the other. She shrieked and pushed her face back into her pillows, pushing her arse as high as she could in surrender. “You will keep this position until I say otherwise or I really shall take my belt to you, do you understand?”

  It was impossible to make out the individual words in the muffled cries that burst from Alice but I was sure that she was frantically promising her compliance in every way. “Good girl.” I let my approval resonate in my tone of voice but nonetheless took the opportunity to spank her briskly on her raised cheeks for several seconds as a little taste of what might await her if she failed me. Over her squeals I said, “A reminder of your fate if I am displeased.” With a final crack against the underside of her bottom I shuffled back some inches and gripped her hips before bending my head and licking one long stripe from her little button through her nether lips and on to her anus. Alice groaned and momentarily forgot her instructions by trying to draw her thighs together and thus diminish my target but another brisk series of spanks soon reminded her of her obligation and I once again bent to my explorations.

  Her little cunt was sweet and still fragrant from my assault on it and I licked curiously all about, still bewitched by the unusual taste and the way the slick skin within flickered and clenched at my tongue and lips as I violated it. Hardening my tongue as much as I could I succeeded in shaping it into a point and rammed it as far as I could into the channel raised and subjugated to my whims, licking all around and trying to capture a taste of myself left behind. Alice trembled and flinched at the wet invasion, her moans turning ever more dazed and confused as her body overrode her mind and forced her to surrender to the sensations my tongue was inflicting. I licked until my jaw ached and then withdrew, enjoying myself for some minutes with biting and nibbling gently at her button and swollen lips and the way her bottom wagged as my teeth caught an especially tender spot. When the ache in my jaw had faded I moved upwards, chuckling when Alice moaned as she realized where my tongue was next to strike, and then licked over her anus once more. The tiny hole was a duskier pink than its neighbor, not so well lubricated with natural secretions, but I still eyed it with dark anticipation before licking at it again and drawing back to watch the tight entrance contract and expand in response to my tongue. I sharpened my tongue again and worked it with some difficulty into the little hole, the taste somewhat sourer than her cunt but still enticing in its way. Maybe it was because this was even more forbidden than my assault on Alice’s maidenhead or because it seemed out of everything that had been done to her that this seemed to be what Alice herself found most shameful, but I felt my cock stiffen like an iron bar at her groans and helpless jerking of her hips as her bottom was despoiled and knew where I would finish the evening.

  I still took my time with my explorations, knowing from having my finger up her backside earlier that it would be more resistant to being entered than her cunt and tried to get the passage as wet as possible. Finally raising my head I dipped two fingers into her open cunt and fully coated them in the sopping heat I found there before introducing them one by one to her arse. The most delightful sound left Alice’s throat when she felt the determined invasion and I watched, entranced, as her whole body relaxed and she raised her little bottom higher, accepting at last that I would be taking that virginity as surely as I had taken her cunny’s. I looked down at my cock and found myself concerned that I would still have difficulty in introducing it to her arse. I started to think that I would need to thread three or maybe four fingers into her bottom to make sure that I would not injure myself in anyway when I fucked her and then, quite by chance, my glance fell on the discarded hairbrush that had already so abused Alice’s sweet arse that night. I stared at the polished wooden handle, a little more slender than my cock but nearly a full seven inches in rigid length, and then looked at Alice’s raised bottom and my fingers buried there. A wicked smile curled my lips and I kept my fingers working in Alice’s arse as I put one foot to the floor and bent to retrieve the brush. A quick swipe of the handle on the blankets and I decided that it was clean enough for what I had in mind.

  Still keeping my fingers moving in Alice’s bottom I brought the handle to her open cunt lips and began to work it inside, smiling wider at Alice’s disconcerted cry at the touch of the hard wood to her delicate flesh. “Be still. You will accept this, I’ll not harm you. Push your bottom up and higher, I do not wish to see it drop.” She obeyed me with alacrity and even began to wriggle her bottom from side to side, the better to accommodate my double invasion. I watched as the handle and my fingers worked their way inside the conquered body raised to me and felt in that moment unbelievably powerful and masculine as though I had worked all my life towards that sublime epiphany of realizing what I had been put on earth for.

  The handle of the hairbrush gleaming with Alice’s juices and well warmed from her hot cunny, I took my fingers from her arse and wasted no time in introducing the wood to her arsehole. Again Alice moaned but her bottom remained high as ordered and I found no extraordinary difficulty in working the rigid length fully inside of her until it was buried as far as it could go. Taking a firm grip of the head of the brush I began to slowly draw it in and out, watching with fascination as the hole was forced to loosen under the onslaught and the puckered skin sucked at the wooden shaft. Alice gave soft grunts at each firm screw from the wood, forcing her arse up and receiving the conquering movements with total supplication and resignation to her fate. I could see her cunt lips were also flexing, as though searching for something to suck on in the way of her arse, and brought my free hand to the dripping lips to slip my thumb inside and rub at her little button with my extended fingers. Totally overwhelmed by my mastery of her body and senses Alice did nothing more than push her bruised bottom further into the air, fucking her little hole back on the brush handle and rubbed her cunt frantically at my tormenting hand. Unable to hold back anymore I withdrew the brush with a succulent pop as the flesh released its grip and moved my hands to adjust her arse for what was to happen. I positioned my cock at the gaping hole between Alice’s well-smacked buttocks and pushed inside with firm resolve. Alice raised her head from the pillows to groan long and low as she was dishonored but then dropped her face to the cotton once more and arched he
r back to present her arse as best she could. The sight of my rock hard cock disappearing so inexorably into that delicate little hole was nearly my undoing but I retained my control enough to get past those first few intoxicating seconds and then was able to enjoy was surely the finest fuck of my life to date.

  Alice’s arse was still beautifully hot to the touch despite my attentions with the cloth and water and as my cock it’s length inside her very entrails the glowing bulb of her arse was pulled snug into my body and I was able to grind mindlessly against the heat of her skin and experience the joy of her quiet whimpers when my pubic hair scratched her castigated bottom. The passage I was lodged in was not as wet as her cunt, despite my extended preparations, but I soon found that when the strong inner muscles stretched there was still adequate delights to be had with fucking her arse instead of her cunt.

  I began to shove my cock into her, my hands able to pay attention to her arse thanks to her still raised position and the tenacity with which she held it aloft for my attentions. Back and forth I moved, gradually increasing the force of my thrusts as my excitement climbed, and I started to slap again at her bottom the better to encourage her participation. Little cries escaped her as I spanked her mistreated arse into frantic movement, bucking up onto my cock and her inner muscles fluttering around my invader as she squirmed through her new punishment. Feeling my last spending of the evening start to tingle in my balls as I fucked into Alice’s split bottom I took pity on her at the last and stopped her spanking with one last stinging flurry before reaching around her hip and under her belly to find her quivering little button. I reached out with my other hand and wrapped a good hank of her beautiful hair around my fist before yanking her back and forcing her back to rest against my chest. She came without resistance and sagged against me, the weight of her body forcing my cock even deeper and I kept her head stretched back with my hard grip on her hair as I bounced my hips off the cushion of her bottom. She was sopping with juices between her legs and it was but the work of a moment to pull back the little hood protecting the raised nub of flesh and begin to work it as hard as I could to force her completion from her.